VITUS Private Clinic

World's Leading Provider of IRE NanoKnife Treatments for Prostate Cancer, with Over 1,700 Successful Procedures Since 2011


With us, DEBEKA will take care of your IRE/IR-ECT/ECT treatment

Please clarify the assumption of costs in advance with your health insurance company.


Clinic for Individualised Therapies for Prostate Cancer

Millions of men develop prostate cancer, in Germany almost one in five. Conventional treatments such as surgical removal of the prostate – radical prostatectomy – and radiation therapy cause serious side effects: Approximately 70 percent of all men suffer from impotence afterwards, 20 to 50 percent from incontinence, and bowel and bladder problems. Despite their radical nature, however, these therapies do not guarantee a cure: in 10 to 30 percent of men who have undergone surgery, a new carcinoma grows back within five years – and much more frequently in the case of tumors that have broken through the prostate capsule.

Talk to us on +49 069 50 50 00 980 or send us an e-mail using the contact form.

IRE, the Gentle Local Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Irreversible electroporation (IRE)’ allows prostate cancer to be treated specifically and gently, without the undesirable side effects of conventional treatments.


Dear patients,

This unsatisfactory situation motivated us to develop a new treatment method, Irreversible Electroporation (IRE). IRE provides reliable local tumor destruction, without the risk of incontinence and with a very low risk of impotence – less than 10 percent. This is achieved by IRE selectively destroying cells but preserving tissue infrastructure. This does not damage nerves, vessels or other organ structures. At the VITUS Prostate Center, depending on the size and aggressiveness of the tumor, we use different variants of electroporation, including electrochemotherapy (ECT) and IR-ECT, a combination of IRE and ECT.

Over 1700 successful operations for prostate cancer

With our methods, we are world leaders in the field of minimally invasive therapy for prostate cancer. Patients from all over the world prove this.
Our success is largely based on the close collaboration of physicians and scientists, including Prof. Boris Rubinsky at the University of Berkeley.

We not only treat small, early prostate carcinomas with IRE and ECT, but also use these methods as “problem solvers” for advanced tumors (stage T3 and T4) that have already grown into the bladder, rectum or pelvic floor and can usually no longer be treated surgically. Carcinoma recurrences after radical prostatectomy, radiotherapy and HIFU, as well as lymph and bone metastases can also be treated gently with IRE and ECT.

Your advantages

Do you have problems urinating?

Water Vapour for Benign Enlargement of the Prostate

This new treatment method uses steam to gently reduce the size of the prostate.
Unpleasant side effects, such as incontinence or impotence, can thus usually be avoided.

Your advantages

For gentle reduction of the prostate


With this gentle therapy, BPH (benign enlargement of the prostate) can be treated minimally invasively and gently.

Your advantages

Gentle treatments for prostate cancer


IRE | ECT and immunotherapy

Photodynamic therapy

Precise diagnostics

Metastasis search

Precision Biopsy

Prostate MRI

Patient Stories

IRE explained in detail

Watch this clip for important information about IRE and a comprehensive overview of alternative therapies.

Upcoming events

Join us for one of our free, virtual information evenings. Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.


Understanding Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Metastasis: Challenges and Innovative Approaches with Immunotherapy

What Is A Prostate Cancer Metastasis? How Fast Does Prostate Cancer Metastasize? How is metastasised prostate cancer treated? Focal Therapy and combined Immunotherapy: Innovative Approaches to Metastatic Prostate Cancer The Future of Treating Prostate Cancer Metastasis conclusion

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer Recurrence: The Role of Immunotherapy and Focal Therapy

Understanding Prostate Cancer Recurrence and Risk Factors Leveraging Immunotherapy to Prevent Prostate Cancer Recurrence Combining Focal Therapy with Immunotherapy for Better Outcomes The Effectiveness of Immunotherapy in Prostate Cancer: Beyond Initial Treatment How Effective Is Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer? Additional Strategies to Prevent Prostate Cancer Recurrence Conclusion: The Road Ahead for Prostate Cancer Survivors

The introduction of the VITUS Clinic for Complementary Medicine: a new era of holistic healthcare

Find out more about the introduction of VITUS complementary medicine


Broschüren und Flyer

Treating Prostate Cancer Safely and Gently

Prostatakrebs schonend und sicher behandeln

VITUS Prostate Cancer Screening

VITUS Prostatakrebs Vorsorge

VITUS Detección del cáncer de próstata